Stay safe Maui. Stay well. We’re sending positive vibes and aloha your way.

Stay safe Maui. Stay well. We’re sending positive vibes and aloha your way.
A guest post from Matthew (no, not Matty) at
Hey Toots. Don’t sour on me! I’m cool.
I like ligaments to keep my leg attached, but not for dinner.
Fizzy makes me all fuzzy inside
If you think Brach’s is just for gramma’s well you’re right but it’s also for grampas so yeah.
When a little heat and cold and time can turn a very good candy into a classic.
If yogurt’s for breakfast, and these candies are made with yogurt, then candy is for breakfast. If A=B and B=C then… this function writes itself, people.
Sometimes, second impressions are more important
Tis the season for candy delights that your kids will dig.
I love cola flavored EVERYTHING
Sometimes you just gotta take your lumps.