Candy connoisseurs have been looking for Altoids Sours replacements for years. Guess what we found?

Candy connoisseurs have been looking for Altoids Sours replacements for years. Guess what we found?
Nothing new about licorice. Except for this licorice.
Spicy candy is here. Jump in.
If I need to tell you not to eat these if you have allergies, we got problems.
Literally, these were made for us. Not LITERALLY, but like…we like them a lot I dunno
Blackcurrant for president.
Don’t troll Trolli
We finally review Toxic Waste candy. Next up: Snickers!
Best licorice I’ve ever had? EVER? EV-ER?!
Gummies from Europe again prove their worth.
I think Exotic = Tropical. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Stay safe Maui. Stay well. We’re sending positive vibes and aloha your way.