Nothing new about licorice. Except for this licorice.

Nothing new about licorice. Except for this licorice.
Literally, these were made for us. Not LITERALLY, but like…we like them a lot I dunno
Blackcurrant for president.
We finally review Toxic Waste candy. Next up: Snickers!
Best licorice I’ve ever had? EVER? EV-ER?!
I think Exotic = Tropical. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Stay safe Maui. Stay well. We’re sending positive vibes and aloha your way.
Hey Toots. Don’t sour on me! I’m cool.
Real people chew real gum. There, I’ve said it.
If you think Brach’s is just for gramma’s well you’re right but it’s also for grampas so yeah.
Sour is what sour does
When a little heat and cold and time can turn a very good candy into a classic.