Haribo Weinland: Nothing to Toast to

Wine gums are usually a solid variety of gummy. Usually.

Reviewed by Matty

April 24, 2018

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I went to Clancy’s, a local SF shop that sells great sandwiches and loads of fun groceries like hard-to-find sodas (remember New York Seltzer?) and candy. They always have a slew of Europe-only Haribo. I bought 2 packages – unsure if we had reviewed either. The one we had reviewed was Sali-kritz, which are like really big Good n Plenty, only a tad fruitier. They are awesome.

The ones we hadn’t reviewed are these, the Haribo Weinland. Which are especially un-awesome. Bummer.

Wine gums are notorious favorites of the Gurus. They don’t actually taste like wine. It is believed they were initially created in the late 1800’s by a guy in a very alcohol-free kitchen, so there is no such sin in the candies. They were most likely called “wine” gums to drum up interest, or perhaps the relatively stronger flavors – compared to other candies of the time – were meant to be savored like a fine fermented grape beverage.

There are some great wine gums out there, (try Maynard’s if you haven’t yet) and since Haribo makes some of the best gummies in the world, it’s hard to believe their wine gums wouldn’t also be worthy of a great review.


Simply put, the Haribo Weinland gummies are pedestrian. With flavors like lemon and cherry and orange, and shapes like you see below, these gummies are just not that great.

Sure they have that great Haribo chew, and the floral-but-not-too-over the top flavor is throughout. But that’s it. They’re boring. And boring is a terrible adjective for anything, especially candy. Leave these on the shelf and go for the loads of other Haribo that are wonderful.

Zolli Candy


  1. Gregory booth

    I think some of the confusion is that Haribo Weinland aren’t actually Wine Gums. Modern wine gums don’t have any wine in them. haribo Weinland has wine listed as an ingredient right on the package.

    It seems as though these are just Haribo gummies with a touch of wine in the recipe. They are delicious either way, but if you’re wanting traditional wine gums, these aren’t it.

  2. GummyAficionado

    I could never trust the candy opinion of someone who didn’t like Haribo Weinland. The texture and flavor are superb.

    • matty

      Hey, I hear you. I DOn’t even trust me.

  3. Steve Patrick, Wine Gum Specialist

    Confusingly, Haribo make Weinland and Wine Gums now. I tried the former a few years back and was distinctly underwhelmed. Then the other week I had some of what I thought were the same sweet and they are totally different – “Haribo Wine Gums” really are British-style wine gums – firm and fruity like Maynards or Bassets. In fact, I have a feeling these are just a Haribo-badged Bassets.
    By the way, the best wine gums in existence are Lion Wine Gums, made by Lion’s Sweets, of Cleckheaton, Yorkshire. Don’t just trust me on this, order some. They are peak wine gum, the Michelangelo of Wine Gums. The Ur Wine Gum, Wine Gums extraordinare, the last word in Wine Gumness.

  4. Mischief

    They’re my favorite and no amount of snark from you will make that fact any different.

  5. Mike hawk

    I bought them today I have to say they are really good. I enjoy the light fruity taste, so many candies have such a pungent fruit taste its overbearing. These are 10/10 in my opinion


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