Venchi Italian chocolate bar: Adding herbs and fruit to everyone’s chagrin

When Italians make anything, I eat it. Here's chocolate. Guess what I did when I got it.

Reviewed by Matty

November 18, 2013


I like everything Italian. Why wouldn’t their chocolate also be great?

Well for this particular Venchi bar, the packaging does suck. Look at it:


It’s like a classic book of poems. Does anyone look at this and think “OH Jesus I can’t WAIT to tear into that thing!”

No, they don’t.

Still, Scott C from work brought me this bar and so it was only right that I ate and reviewed it. Didn’t want to disappoint.

After I got over the boring classically staid packaging, I noticed that these had sea salt in them.



Although I didn’t look closely, I assumed I couldn’t read anything else on the package and just dove right in. I liked the bar’s thicknesss (not too) and the color (dark). One thing I like in general about dark chocolate is it’s not creamy. I find creamy chocolate hurts my teeth. This bar had some snap to it.

But there are a few shortcomings for me. And Jonny. And His better half. And my better half. See, all of us tried this bad boy, and after one piece, we all said “no more, thanks.”

1. It has orange pieces.


Maybe it’s because none of us we’re born in the UK…but we all agree orange has no place in chocolate. None. Not good. Know where oranges are good? Peeled and eaten after you play a soccer game. Squeezed in a glass and enjoyed with bacon and eggs.


2. The bar has a lavender scent. Great for soap. Wonderful for the spa. Terrible in chocolate. Matty gurette asked if it was oregano. ‘Nuff said.


I don’t want to exaggerate or generalize but this bar makes me think we simply leave the pasta and pizza to the Italians and the chocolate to the Swiss. Sound good? Let’s leave this one on the specialty foods shelf.

Zolli Candy


  1. Barbara

    When i was young I used to like oranges squeezed in a glass with vodka. Now the very thought of it gives me a queasy stomach. Never could understand the appeal of the Terry’s Chocolate Orange.

    • mattycandy

      Ohh the screwdriver. But of course. How could I forget.


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