Superior Sea Gull Eggs are Real & Spectacular

When you put this much effort into candy, SOMEone should write about.

Reviewed by Matty

October 24, 2014


When you get a suggestion from a candy store owner – nay, The Candy Store owner – you take it in, you nod, you take the candy home, and you dive in with high expectations.

These things. I mean. THESE things. Are rindonculaterusmus.


The packaging starts the whole experience with a “hey. we mean business.” ROCOCCO does the hand-painted look thing on the outside with the “Superior Seagull Eggs” cursived on. It’s all in English but they’re from France…a tad confusing. But the whole thing feels special and expensive. Oh and they were expensive. 12 little eggs — just a little bigger than those Butterfinger eggs at Easter — were $15 before tax.


The eggs look like real eggs, with the little spots and even tiny cracks. The egg carton fit the ovum perfectly.

And these little things – they’re just so damn complex!


The outside candy shell is very crunchy but very thin. and right underneath is solid chocolate, but not too thick. Not too sweet at all, either. The inside is a dark caramel, with undertones of coconut. The caramel is thick in there, not too creamy or stringy. More like a truffle. The salt is just the right amount – underneath it all and not just becoming a salty sweet general chocolate we’ve now come to expect on even the shelves of Walmart. These are decadent as hell but not in a bad way that you’d be afraid to eat while watching football. They have a deep, almost smoky like flavor and they are a good mouthful. Every time I finished one, I wanted another.

Definitely worth the money. Definitely high end candy. Definitely a good gift for the person who thinks they know the best caramel. If you don’t live in the UK, which is where they appear to sell from, then you have to come to SF and go to The Candy Store and h o p e they have them; I hear they go out of stock fast…

Zolli Candy


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