Nomba Gummies: Spicy & Grown-up

Some spice in these little gummies from India. Unique.

Reviewed by Matty

February 19, 2019


I agree I don’t act like one but technically I’m an adult. I’m over the age of 18, I can drink and vote, and my tastebuds are old enough to enjoy flavors that young people tend not to like. Such as whiskey and spicy stuffs.

It’s better being an adult than a child. Sure, I’m closer to death. But I can earn a living, my experience makes me “interesting” and I can eat a ton more types of foods.

So when Nomba contacted us and asked if we’d like to review their Sour Tamarind, Raw Mango and Hot Guava vegan gummies, how could I say no to that? A kid might say no. Because Nomba didn’t ask for a review of their Blue Boomberry or Silly Strawberry Shake gummies. But I’m matured, and tamarind anything sounds lovely. So send em.

Sour Tamarind.

Raw Mango.

Hot Guava.

Good names.

And they’re vegan. So no horse hooves. Made with cane sugar too. They’re not completely organic and they have some artificial flavors in there but that’s kinda de facto for almost all candies.

The key things I was looking for: interesting flavors and good texture.

On the texture front, I find that vegan gummies are generally softer without much true chew. And I get gummies FOR the chew. The Nombas had some chew. Not like most Haribo of course, but enough to not be annoying; enough to know I was eating gummies and not like Vitamin C infused natural fruit “chews.”

The flavors stood out for me. Tamarind I’ve always loved – it’s almost cola-like, sour, and earthy. Guava is another flavor I love and Nomba does it pretty well. I could have used a tad more sweet in that one, strangely enough. The raw mango tasted like mango and tasted natural. The mango is there but understated. Add the spice to all 3 of these gummies and you have a good little candy eating experience.

Caveat: unless you are a kid. Or unless you are my kid. Because my kid did not like these gummies. She said the flavors were weird and the gummies too thick, so she couldn’t eat a lot of them without feeling heavy and bloated. So what I took as ‘chew’ she took as ‘thick.’

Still, you can ignore the kids most of the time. I do.

Still… it appears Nomba is out of business. Perhaps they will be back with a new name and new company. Watch this space.

Zolli Candy


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