(I know I didn’t spell ‘bold’ correctly. It’s this writer being clever. Work with me here.)
As the We are the World singers said back in the 80’s, “It’s Christmas time”, and we wouldn’t be doing our due guru diligence if we didn’t hammer out a few Xmas time candies. Because tis the season to consume — whether it’s an Amazon gift card or Chocolate Coal Boulders from Kimmie Candy Company.
And thus we arrive here:
Ok well I guess it IS just chocolate.
And the chocolate shell came off on my fingers. Like coal would right?
So good for you, Kimmie, calling these things coal, when they looked like coal, and they had the conSIStency of coal. Novelty maybe, but like real too, man.
Sadly, the chocolate was just OK. I kinda liked it’s simplicity but it wasn’t high-end – no deep cocoa flavor, no salt. It was creamy-ish but it wasn’t “milky.” More like your general Easter Bunny chocolate.
But we aren’t buying these for the chocolate decadence, we’re buying these for the kids. It’s a perfect stocking stuffer. They’ll get a laugh and a sizable chunk that will last.