Quick vid review for you kiddies!
Note that in it I say these are from Germany. And um … I think I’m wrong. It looks like these are from Netherlands. That’s what you get for doing a vid review BEFORE doing the necessary research. My bad!

You can buy these here. Mind you…you have to pay in Euros and buy from Denmark. But still.
Also – the “Liz” in the title is a nod to my great aunt who is 100 years old this Saturday. If I get to 80 I’d be surprised. Not to mention she lives alone, by choice; takes classes at the local college twice a week, and gets there by bus. Wow.
Happy Birthday Aunt Liz!
Jonny Vs. Matty in a chubby bunny contest with these please. Great review and I agree, marshmallow stuff is not for me.
Hehe, great review, Matty! Nearly fell off the sofa laughing. But you shouldn´t have told the world about Jonny and me – we would rather it be kept as a secret. Too late now anyway, never mind. Just one thing – Ahoj Brause is produced in Germany, according to Wikipedia (Germany) they were founded in 1925 and have been owned by Katjes (another producer of gummy goodness) since 2002. Keep up the great work!
I felt warm and fuzzy inside after being exposed to your sarcasm. I thought these things were “eh”. Good sour as you ay, but the marshmallow thing….I don’t even like REAL marshmallows, so these are only marginally better since they’re sour. Don’t change the hair.