Christopher Elbow’s Chocolate Pops You in the Mouth

  uh what?   “No 6 Dark Rocks – 61% dark chocolate bar blended with popping candy”You know what? I don’t give 2 hoots if these are actually good. In fact, why should I even review these? The sheer balls of making a gourmet chocolate bar with what I assume is pop rocks, is – […]

Reviewed by Matty

December 20, 2010



uh what?


“No 6 Dark Rocks – 61% dark chocolate bar blended with popping candy”
You know what? I don’t give 2 hoots if these are actually good. In fact, why should I even review these? The sheer balls of making a gourmet chocolate bar with what I assume is pop rocks, is – in one word – freaking awesometabulous.


I don’t know who these Christopher Elbow Chocolate people are, but they sure do think outside the box. Right where we all’s needs to be thinking too.

I love how the packaging is all high-end looking: Times Roman-like fonts, sparse images, one color. And then add Pop Rocks. litlol!

The chocolate is good. Perfect for you dark chocolate triers – people who are still holding on to the outdated notion that milk chocolate is better than dark, and who still can’t manage too much cacAO.


These have a semi- fruity taste right when you bite in (pop rocks fruity? doesn’t feel like it. I think it’s infused in the chocolate…) You also immediately get the crunch, which has to be the pop rocks since there is nothing else in there. Think small and light rice krispy crunch that ACTUALLY goes “snap crackle pop.”


I was kind of expecting more of a wow factor when I bit in but I still like them. Fun to eat. The whole family liked, in fact. The chocolate is good enough on its own, good taste and not too sweet, and then add the pop rocks as a fun little side bet. I couldn’t taste a specific Pop Rock flavor and that’s probably the way it should be. And if the fruity undertone is from the Rocks, then nice job on the combo.


Chris Elbow’s ‘Artisinal Chocolate’ feels just like that. Crafted. And like the package says, it’s “infused with surprising ingredients you never know could harmonize with deliciously fine chocolate.” I agree. Keep the imaginative candies coming, Chris.

Go here to see what else they sell and you can order here.

Zolli Candy

1 Comment

  1. Martha

    You’d think that all the rocks would have popped when mixed with the chocolate. Interesting…


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