Cow Tales — The Bovine Backside

These grew on me. I started out not liking them and now - as I wrote this - I realize I miss them. Not a longing. More like a yearn.

Reviewed by Matty


November 18, 2008


I didn’t like these things very much. Maybe more telling: Boots, Jonny, D and Scott hated them.
I’ll boil it up to key phrases in case this is as much as you want to read:
– Caramel, but tastes nothing like it
– The name doesn’t sound appetizing
– Are they old? They tasted old.
– 2 parts — an outside and cream filling inside; both tasted the same.
– Were they covered in sand?

So I’m a bit torn on these things believe it or not. For one I really like their website. I also couldn’t stop eating them. I ate a few, and then a few more, each time trying to figure out ‘do I like these? are these good?’ I just couldn’t tell. I didn’t think I liked them but I kept going back for more. Maybe they are dusted in the same myth-chemical Doritos supposedly have to put a spell on chip eaters…

(Thank you tiny muffins for the pic)

To go bit deeper — the caramel is not caramel. I mean it kinda looks like caramel, same healthy-poo color, but didn’t taste like it at all. And it’s covered in something like dirt or sand or thick flour or maybe corn starch as olde time candy makers are wont to do. Not for me. Fine to have a dusting of something flavored…but if it’s just for looks or packaging, then not for me.

One thing I liked about them was the candy texture. It was a nice semi-chewy, not teeth-sticky confection.

Anyways – I don’t love this review. Not terribly funny. Not terribly catchy. I don’t love this candy. Not very good tasting. Not terribly dandy.




Zolli Candy


  1. Matty

    Here’s one for ya. I wrote this ALMOST 10 years ago. While we all collectively sigh. Sit. Think about that. Let me also say that these over the years have grown on me, and while I won’t usually go out of my way to buy, they are a solid3.4-4 stars, and I like them. And eat them.

    But DP, we ARE heathens. Which makes this all just a smidge more captivating.

  2. DP


    Cow Tales are heaven….heaven.

  3. Candy Gurus

    it’s funny — I don’t like them and I’d STILL eat them. I’m all for down home small confectioners though so it pained me a bit to not laud these. Need to give their other sweets a try…


  4. Carl Weaver

    I have to disagree. I would put Cow Tales a little higher. They are like an all-day caramel chew, as Goetze also makes. Tasty, but not so much that I seek them out.

    The powder is corn starch, which aids in removing candy from molds. Tasteless but harmless.

    Yeah, I think I just talked myself out of liking Cow Tales as much as I used to. As Denise said, I would eat them if you gave me some.

  5. Carl Weaver

    I have to disagree. I would put Cow Tales a little higher. They are like an all-day caramel chew, as Goetze also makes. Tasty, but not so much that I seek them out.

    The powder is corn starch, which aids in removing candy from molds. Tasteless but harmless.

    Yeah, I think I just talked myself out of liking Cow Tales as much as I used to. As Denise said, I would eat them if you gave me some.

  6. Denise Ryan

    This review is perfect – completely accurate. Cow Tales are a weird candy mystery. Not good, but not horrible. You wouldn’t buy one, but if given one, you’d eat it – at least part of it – if there were no other options – and you were hungry.

    Hey – I LOVE the new rating system!! Simple and yet fancy! Was there a female influence? : )

    Also – have you guys reviewed Zours? I just toured the JustBorn factory and those made my cheeks hurt they were so sour. I thought of you all. (Not those cheeks and not that way!!)


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