4D Gummy Frootz – Oranges Flavor

Little baby oranges with stems. Almost too cute to eat.

Reviewed by Jonny

July 1, 2022

Visit DylansCandyBar.com

That’s right — Not orange flavor, Oranges flavor. This has too much flavor for just one orange, yo!

Package of 4D Gummy Frootz Oranges flavor
trippy bag shape, eh?

We’ve reviewed two offerings from Amos’ 4D line and frankly, were shocked at how much we liked both. I’m here to say, I’m still enjoying eating them on the regular. There’s something about the chew and the realistic flavors that just plain works. However, when they offered to have us check these out, my concern bell went off.

Center-filled gummies.

You know what I’m talking about, yeah? There’s goo inside. We’ve tried soooooo many goo-filled gummies and with 99% of them … they just don’t work. They’re gross. The goo is too sweet, too thick, too viscous, too. something. So obviously, as I opened these, I was on high alert.

An orange little gummy on the package of orange gummies
pretty darn cute

But damn it if Amos didn’t do it again! They’ve cracked the code on filled gummies. What they did was to put such a small amount inside, it just barely adds an interesting aspect to the candy but doesn’t take away from the gummy side at all. I almost wondered if there WAS any filling inside, but there sure is:

tiny little navel orange gummies
tiny little navel oranges

The important thing that makes the center filling work is the flavor of the gummy. Nothing crazy, not sour, but it has a real orange taste. It’s not muddy, and it’s also not intense, but it’s nice and the orange is ever-present. The filling inside actually helps rev it up a bit, but again, it’s subtle.

I don’t know what it is about Amos’ new gummy line, but I love it. They have everything working correctly, and I highly recommend any of them. These fit right in the family. It also makes me happy that this is a Chinese gummy that’s absolutely bangin’, so it gives me hope that there are cool things happening over there in the candy world. For a while…man, it wasn’t interesting the things I was seeing from China. Let’s keep it going, Amos!

You can get these right here.

Zolli Candy

1 Comment

  1. Rebecca

    Absolutely love this range of gummies. The peach-filled are excellent as well.


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