Live from Sundance: $9 chocolate bar: Ritual Chocolate

So… Bear with me here, people. This is the first time I’ve posted from my phone. I have an hour to kill as I wait in a coffee shop in the snow for a movie. While waiting… We decided to check out some chocolate. 70% cacao, nothing fancy in it. For 9 bucks. Fancy, eh? […]

Reviewed by Jonny

January 23, 2012


So… Bear with me here, people. This is the first time I’ve posted from my phone. I have an hour to kill as I wait in a coffee shop in the snow for a movie.

While waiting… We decided to check out some chocolate. 70% cacao, nothing fancy in it. For 9 bucks.


Fancy, eh? You get a decent amount, so I thought maybe it wasn’t a total rip off.


A buck a square. No. That’s just plain wrong. I don’t care HOW good this crap is, that doesn’t work for me. But…


It’s good. Damn good. Ritual chocolate, a buck a square, and damn good. Rich, not even close to being too sweet.. And a beautiful texture. Nice stuff!

But I’d never buy it again. Way too many other quality options for half the cost.

Now, I gotta get back to my $5 Kombucha. Gotta love Park City.

Zolli Candy


  1. Matty

    you get to eat chocolate before watching movies in the snow? I want your job

  2. Josh

    $72 a pound… only slightly less than Uranium


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