Recently we were sent some seriously high quality chocolate confections by a really cool chocolate company called Ironchoco.
The first package had three different low-sweetness milk chocolate confections on sticks. Weird, right?

As the family was unpacking everything, we were stunned by how cool it all looked. Then, after trying it, all hell broke loose. My kid’s screaming about “seriously high quality shit!” while Mrs. Guru is quietly demolishing a rose. And I should mention, she’s a full fledged chocolate snob, so it’s not typical for her to care much about most chocolate she tries.
The one question we all had though, was “why the stick”? And we had that question because admittedly, it makes it a little bit harder to eat. I suggested maybe cutting them with a knife. So I did.

What you don’t see in the photo above is powdery cocoa spilling out. But we did when I cut it for the first time. And that’s when everything made sense.
This candy was originally made as a mobile, contained, beautiful cocoa. The idea was to stick the candy in your warm milk, coffee, liquor or tea, and stir it around as you like. It melts into a perfect cocoa.
Now THAT’S awesome, right? It blew my mind. The sticks make total sense. Not that you have to eat it that way, you most definitely do not. According to Ironchoco, after people started trying it, in addition to dunking them, many just liked to eat it right off the stick. And I can see why: the cocoa powder blasts you get are super interesting and make for a consistent varied texture.
For my family though, that’s not the headline. The big news is that this chocolate has no nuts in it, nor does the cocoa powder or marshmallows. Additionally, the facility that these are made in is nut free. For a lot of people, this is huge, because chocolate is notoriously difficult to pry away from nut cross contamination. Trust me, I know. Even if a chocolate bar has no nuts in it, 99% of the time the line it’s made on has nuts on it at some point. And that’s a deal breaker.
For allergy families and friends all over the world, this is a resource for us. But it’s not “just” a resource, it’s a super high quality, interesting original confection that we personally can’t get enough of.
But wait, there’s more….
Shooing range, anyone?


This is a SOLID dark chocolate, again, nut free. Look at it! It’s the actual size of a gun, and weighs at least a pound. This is a low sweetness dark chocolate. I haven’t had the heart to bust this open yet for tasting, but I’m sure it’s going to be amazing.
Their offerings aren’t cheap, be warned: but why should they be? This is super high quality stuff, and the cost reflects that. I’m happy to pay it, and you should be too, just to get your hands on some of the dunking chocolate candy. But for friends and families of those living with nut allergies? These are huge. I really implore you to check out their website and try something.
We’re going to have some different stuff from Ironchoco to show off soon, so be on the lookout for that. In the meantime, check out their stuff here.
Bravo to Ironchoco!
I thought the hibiscus-shaped one was puckered-butthole-shaped for a moment
I’m not gonna lie. I see it too.
That’s a pansy. Thanks for the giggles they are much appreciated these days.