A few months ago we reviewed Missa X by Fazer. It was a confusing candy, one that I started out unsure about, but ended up really enjoying. It was a mix of sour wine gums and licorice.
Now, I have its bastard brother “Assa Mix” to review. This time I was sure-I was POSITIVE these would be the weaker counterpart to Missa X. How wrong I was. Turns out these are the hero of the fam.
I believe the riff here is playing cards: the pieces resemble hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs. And that’s dope.
Even doper though, is the consistency of these things. Take a look at the photo above or below. Does it come through that these are pretty hard? Well they are. So they’re much more of a chew than a gummy.
This time, instead of sour, it’s sweet “wine gums” with slightly salty licorice bites. In other words, it’s basically heaven. I’m not sure why the first person was to make a mix of fruit candy and licorice, but hats off, m’am/sir. It’s a wonderful combo. For those who don’t like licorice it’s of course a complete deal breaker, but…that’s not my problem.
for anyone who’s eaten traditional wine gums-these are nothing like those. Wine gums are usually just a slightly more jelly-ish gummy. These…are very unique, and I’m finding it tough to come up with a comparison. If you drop one on the hard ground, it clicks and clacks. It’s most similar to traditional Swedish chews called “zoo”:
If that helps you in any way…then you’re clearly an uber candy nerd like us. Greetings.
These are dope. I love them. Originally we procured them from candyhero.com-a site we really like. But as of this posting, they’re out of stock, so click the link below to get some in your belly quickly. This is a really fun, special and above all super tasty bag.