Best. Sour. Ever. Yes. We. Just. Wrote. That.
Best. Sour. Ever. Yes. We. Just. Wrote. That.
Think Starbursts, Mamba and Now and Laters are good? Hi-Chew is Generation Next.
Uptown brittle with a secret
Korean candy of a Japanese drink that’s called yogurt and tastes like fruit. nnnnnnkkkkkaaaay
So many things to learn, so many preconceived notions to shatter. Lots of stuff going on here.
Get past the package and the name and just put these things in your mouth.
These snakes are yooooooooje
Sure, we all chewed on pencil erasers back in the day, but did you ever EAT one? Probably poisoned you, if so. Now we have an edible version, and damn if they aren’t gorgeous.
When it’s summer in Australia, what time is it “here”?
Grape or currant I don’t care because these are fucking great
Sometimes you have to treat a country like petulant young adult
Starts in with a vanilla cream soda thing. And kinda fizzy.